Design and Development of Multi-purpose Medical Diagnosis Kit

Design and Development of Multi-purpose Medical Diagnosis Kit

Oxymeter Temperature

The purpose of this project is to make medical diagnosis instruments to be portably and economically available to the general public. The inception of the idea came from the mentors, who guided us along every step of the way.

The project members did extensive research on potential world problems which require attention. It was observed that in the field of bio-medical instrumentation, the machines which measure the physiological parameters of the human body, are costly and not integrated enough for a complete diagnosis. Furthermore, the potential of integrating 4 of these machines together, namely the Electrocardiogram (ECG) machine, Heart rate monitor, Body temperature monitor and a Pulse oximeter was seen. A cost-effective combination of all these machines wasn’t readily available in the market as of yet. Also, using these medical instruments can be a cumbersome task for a layman, i.e., someone without the knowledge of physiological parameters. Having said all this, it was found the need to create such a device which can measure all three of these parameters with fair accuracy, and which is interfaced with a smartphone, providing flexibility of use.

Class: B.Tech 4th year Electronics Instrumentation and Control