Design and Development of Hand Gesture Vocalizer

Design and Development of Hand Gesture Vocalizer

Sign language is a natural way for communication between normal and speech impaired people. But often the difficulty arises due to the fact that most of the common people do not know the sign language. Therefore, there always exists a communication barrier.

To rectify this, a device which can convert their hand gestures into voice so that a normal person can understand is proposed. This device consists of a Wireless Glove, consisting of flex sensors and accelerometer. This system consists of a speech synthesizer circuit which converts hand movements into real time speech output and a display in the form of text for the corresponding gesture.

So, this device provides efficient way of communication for both deaf-dumb and normal people. This will help the specially abled to interact with the main stream population.

Class: B.Tech 4th year Electronics Instrumentation and Control